Why is it so hard to just “Tell It”? The Truth.
In our business schools, we learned about Machiavelli’s The Prince. It teaches us that the end justifies the means. Why can’t we not just tell the truth? Is it really that hard? Can businesses tell the truth and be successful? I watch the news and wonder if most of what is said and reported isn’t tainted. It is difficult to watch the news without being very skeptical of the reporting. When we read something or listen to a politician, we need a scorecard to know how many times someone did or did not tell the truth. We expect them not to tell the truth even when seeking the job of President of the United States. We don’t hold anyone to a higher standard.
I watched the events that happened in Dallas, and while my heart goes out to the officers that lost their lives, I am not sure that anyone on any side knows the truth or even cares about the truth. It seems like these types of situations have given a platform to anyone that wants to get some type of recognition for their cause without any regard for the truth or each other.
No Gray Areas
Thirteen years ago we started Sukay & Associates with one goal in mind and that is that we would never do anything that was not in the best interest of our clients, and would always tell the truth and do the right thing with no “gray areas”. We wanted to answer the question, “Can you be successful and also always do what is in the best interest of your clients even if it is not in your own self-interest?”
We have been active in helping Insurance Agencies achieve their financial goals and I can say that we have been tested several times for several reasons and we have always come back to this one founding principle. After 13 years we know that we could have been a bit more financially successful if we did not believe so strongly in this principle. We also know that the amount that we would have gained by not following this principle would not have changed our lives one bit. It would have had a pretty big impact on our client’s lives. I am proud that we have held strong to this ideal and I know that our clients are better off because of it.
The Value of Your Agency
As a firm, we believe an accurate valuation is part of our responsibility and the foundation of a great working relationship – even if that is further in the future. Because of this we, unlike most firms, offer free insurance agency valuations for those who qualify. Click below to apply!