How do you make your business standout in a very competitive marketplace? In today’s post we look at how Gourmet Burger manage this and what lessons you can use for your own business today.
There will always be economic challenges. There will be recessions and periods of growth. We will always hope for better times and look for ways to improve the current conditions. The economy is as strong as it has been in the foreseeable past. It is the perfect time for all business owners to assess their financial situation and ask themselves some important questions.
While the focus was previously on how to cope with the challenges, very few risks were being taken. It is now a good time to make some necessary changes. CEOs are often happy to stick to their comfort zone because it has been successful. Ask yourself whether you too want to continue to play it safe with the regular burger or would rather prefer to invest time and money in creating a gourmet burger. Magic happens when you step outside your comfort zone. You can gain a reputation for quality, increase your profits and your own work satisfaction by offering your client base something unique. This will not happen overnight. You must strive to know the client better than they know themselves and convince them that they need your product. Put yourself in their shoes and see what would motivate you to try something new.
I am using burgers to represent all products and services as I was recently forced to analyze my own needs as a customer while on a lunch date with a friend. We were both in the mood for burgers and our choices ranged from McDonalds to a burger at Mark Wahlberg’s restaurant in Hingham Ma. In the end we decided to opt for the latter because even though it was more expensive, we wanted to enjoy devouring a mouth-watering gourmet burger rather than gobbling up a cheap regular burger. It came down to the experience rather than the price. Wahlberg has built a nice experience based on delicious food in a comfortable atmosphere. He has tailored his products to his customers’ specific needs. My advice is for you to do the same. We believe strongly that passion and commitment is the key ingredients for our success. We always aim to offer our clients a bacon and egg breakfast instead of their regular order. We explain that in the bacon and egg breakfast, the chicken is involved and the pig is committed. We feel that we are committed to meet our client’s goals. We are not just involved in the process.
How do you start turning your regular burger into a gourmet burger? We would suggest that you begin by identifying how your business differs from your competitors. At that point, use this unique aspect to attract new customers. Look at where your business is now and consider where you want it to be.
We have been involved in helping many companies become bigger and better than they were before. We know the process takes time and that difficult decisions will need to be made. Most people know where they need to make changes and welcome the validation for those actions. If you would like to discuss any situation, please give either John Biasiello or myself a call.