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Momentum is a funny thing. It can be incredibly powerful. When you’ve built momentum in life, in your career or in sports, you feel like you could go anywhere. True momentum can make you unstoppable. It is also really easy to lose. Sometimes it only takes one setback to slow you down. In those situations, you fall back to earth with a bump. On other occasions, momentum just drifts away.

If you are an insurance agency owner coming close to retirement, you know the feeling of drifting momentum. When you started out in the business, you were under your own power. You had big plans for what you wanted to achieve and you were determined to get there. Your first successes, from your first big sale to that first big account, built momentum. That momentum carried you all the way to owning the agency.

Remember When You Were Unstoppable

When things were going right, you were just cresting the wave of momentum. Minor setbacks only served to stem the tide. When your momentum was at its peak, you couldn’t make a wrong decision, your business grew year on year. You went from fledgling owner to industry veteran. Somewhere along the way, something happened.

You didn’t feel it at the time. It just seemed like another minor bump, but it was more than that. You started to slow down. The loss of momentum happened gradually, so gradual it was almost impossible to detect. It’s clear now though. All the momentum in the business is coming from younger guys. You used to be cresting the wave, now you’re in its wake, trying to hang on.

Momentum Can Take You Anywhere

The moment you realize you’ve lost momentum can be hard to handle. Some owners try to fight it. They push themselves to get back to where they were. Very few succeed. Most decide it’s time to sell and many of those decide to retire after the sale. That is not always the final result.

Momentum is a funny thing. It can take you by surprise. The process of selling your agency involves evaluating and promoting the business. It can remind you of how you built that momentum the first time around. Before you know it, you’re planning your next career move. When you decide to sell your agency, even if you think you’re done with the business, you might find a new career is just around the corner. Momentum can build at almost any time; all it takes is a little push.

You may feel that you have lost momentum, but are you ready to Pass the Baton? Find out here, now!