This week, Melissa asks, ‘What is it like today to be young and just beginning to have that “real” job?’ And offers advice on building a career in an insurance agency.
The youth of today have a difficult time finding a job, never mind a job that they may be interested in pursuing as a career. Today it is about just “landing” a job in the hope of getting your foot in the door. Then maybe that job can turn into something more in the future. Everything is so competitive today and you have so much to look forward to professionally and personally. You should relish the challenge!
In insurance, the best place to start may be an agency that has recently been acquired, as there may be many opportunities to be placed in various areas of the business or various office locations. While you’ll likely have to take what you can get to get that toe in the door, your first challenge will be figuring out where to place yourself within the agency. It’s no good drifting along until someone tells you where to be, you need to find out what your insurance career might look like.
By watching closely, you can get a feel of which division of the agency you want to focus on reaching. You are so fortunate to have the opportunity to prove that you can do and handle whatever it is you put your mind to. Never forget that it’s up to you to take that chance.
Be smart – enroll in insurance classes, work overtime and help out in all areas of the business. Be persistent but not pushy – that is a fine line you should learn to walk. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn are two of the most powerful characteristics in young employees.
Get to know the employees and upper management. Do not ever look at it as what the employer owes you– you need to always think of what you can do for them. If you demonstrate your worth, they will see it. Set targets for yourself and the agency and identify where you can add value. Owners value employees who assist in the growth of the agency, make the agency more profitable, make the employees happier, find ways to increase a client base or to appeal possibly to a different clientele. Ask questions like ‘What are the best ways to advertise and market the agency?’ ‘How can I save the agency money?’
There are many ways you can put yourself above the rest, do it now while you have that energy and creativity emerging. You will prove why you should deserve that ideal position within the agency.
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